We know you are committed to your community. You are deeply involved in it, and have the best interests of the residents in mind, whether for zoning actions or other real estate issues. From your vantage standpoint, you are in a position to identify blight. We, on the other hand, are deeply committed to removing blight. We invite you to join us in our work for BlightFree Communities.
We have been tackling blighted properties since 2006 and have experience in nearly every conceivable situation. We work with RCOs and other community organizations to effectively tackle blight, and can balance the often-competing needs of various interested parties and even overlapping RCOs concerning a blighted property. Call us to discuss how we can work together with your RCO for a BlightFree Community.
As experts in blight remediation and with significant experience, we are available for awareness and educational seminars or informal presentations to RCO staff and supporters, community residents and other interested parties.
In remediating blight, situations can sometimes become awkward or even uncomfortable, pitting neighbor against neighbor. We can often eliminate this situation by bring a third-party perspective, and one with no bias toward any position. Often, once an owner is merely notified that a property is blighting its community, steps are taken to remove the blight without further action. Other situations sometimes call for more effort, which we are able and willing to undertake. In every case, our work can remain confidential and we do our best to respect all parties' interests in pursuing the best outcome for the community.
We work closely with RCO staff, and, as appropriate, other interested parties in creating BlightFree communities. Once a property is identified, we assess its specifics and explore the various options available to remove the blight. Contact us to explore how we can help your RCO reduce blight in your community.
Community Preservation Alliance
100 S. Juniper Street, Suite 509, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Copyright © 2025 Community Preservation Alliance - All Rights Reserved.
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